Track Adventure

Well, I discovered that using I can not directly embed the map I wanted to embed.  This might change in the near future since I spoke to GoDaddy some time ago about setting up my blog and hosting it under the actual domain name (so I don’t have to do DNS tricks to get things to work right.  More stuff to clutter my brain with, and REMEMBER when I need to remember it…. what was it I was talking about again?)

Instead, though, I can drop a link here for you to try and use.  Right now (while we’re still in CO) it will simply show my location.  The information won’t be directly updated until I get set up on the boat in a few months.  Mean time though, click the link, let me know if it works or not.


Courtesy of Copyright Amateur Radio Safety Foundation, Inc., a non-profit, public benefit corporation.” Content and links are always subject to change, but we endeavor to keep legacy URLs alive with appropriate page redirects. Thanks!

5 thoughts on “Track Adventure

  1. Worked for me. Looking forward to following your progress once you hit the water. I vote that we plan to share stories over a tropical drink on the boat(s) or a beach somewhere other than North America on a date to be determined in the not too distant future.


    • Good deal…. Tropical drinks on any beach is better than the cold in Colorado, any day of the week! Though, our weather is promising to improve, starting “tomorrow”. I’ve heard “Tomorrow never comes”… but perhaps it will this time. 🙂

  2. Current note: January 2016, the link works, but shows our last destination prior to where we ended up in Virginia. This will not be updated again until we are back on the boat again and running our systems.

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